Contact Us
Comifo Duct Manufacture Machine Co., Ltd.
Fax: +86-20-89814865
E_mail: comifo@21cn.net
Skype: comifo-helen
Web: http://m.suntv9.com/
NewWeb: http://www.gzcomifo.com/
Address: Room 403, East Tower, Jiadu Business Building, No.64-66,Jianzhong Road, Tianhe Software Park, Guangzhou, P.R.China.
Comifo's new product gained busiess attention on Air-condition Equipment Show 2005 in China.
7th-9th April 2011 in Shanghai China, Booth No.: E6H01.
Fire Damper Fasten Table
Products Information:
Comifo designed and produce fire damper auto lines since 2006. A fire damper frame auto line, fire damper blade auto line, fastening table and other fabricating moulds and machines can achieve high production fire damper production.
Besides a machinery manufacturer, Comifo is also a fire damper manufacturer for various construction projects and sell to other contractors as well. The fire damper fastening platform was designed according to Comifo’s experience which is more than a decade. Comifo is the first one and also the unique one who makes this fastening platform. It consists of fire damper corner fastening, seam closing fastening, hanging double fastening and hanging single fastening. Just 2 seconds
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