Contact Us
Comifo Duct Manufacture Machine Co., Ltd.
Fax: +86-20-89814865
E_mail: comifo@21cn.net
Skype: comifo-helen
Web: http://m.suntv9.com/
NewWeb: http://www.gzcomifo.com/
Address: Room 403, East Tower, Jiadu Business Building, No.64-66,Jianzhong Road, Tianhe Software Park, Guangzhou, P.R.China.
Comifo's new product gained busiess attention on Air-condition Equipment Show 2005 in China.
7th-9th April 2011 in Shanghai China, Booth No.: E6H01.
3-Roller Bending Machine
Asymmetical three-roller bending machine’s upper roller is hand-adjusted up and down. The machine has a pre-bending function. Bending function is power driven,and the upper roller can be moved to remove the workpiece.
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